About Podcastingâ
We host podcasts at Podbean.
We have a Auphonic account that you can use for post-processing. You can upload an audio file, let Auphonic do its magic, and download the result (or have Auphonic automatically publish it on various services). Features include:
- An adaptive leveler and loudness normalization â it makes sure the volumes are OK. What this means is: portions of your podcast will not be loud enough. Auphonic makes sure that volume levels are consistent.
- It also has noise and hiss reduction as well as hum reduction.
- It has automatic speech recognition to generate audio transcripts. This is great for accessibility.
- It can create chapters so podcast players will let users skip to certain segments of an episode.
- It can automatically publish your files. Even if you want to publish your file manually to Podbean, you may want to publish it automatically to a YouTube account, for example.
Leveling an audio fileâ
If you just want to post-process an audio file to do some light automatic noise reduction and optimize the volume levels, this is how you do it. Log in to Auphonic and create a new production:
Choose your file:
Leave the default settings (make sure 'adaptive leveler' is ticked) and click 'start production'. You may have to wait a couple of minutes, but then you will be able to download an optimized mp3 file.
Add chaptersâ
Auphonic lets you add chapters, so that podcast players that support this feature present listeners with a user interface that lets them skip to certain parts of a podcast. It's a great way to add some value to power users. Note: it is advisable to either add these to all your episodes, or to none. And keep them short: many apps only reserve limited screen real estate for chapter titles.
To add chapters, 1) expand the 'Chapter Marks' portion, 2) choose 'Add Chapter Mark Row' for each chapter, and then 3) fill out the time codes and chapter titles (URLs are optional). [^]
Podcast trailers with Headliner.appâ
We also have a headliner.app account that lets you create video trailers of your podcast. Features include:
- customizable background image
- audio waveform visualisation
- automatically generated captions with speech recognition (and an editor to correct the copy)
To create a trailer, log in to headliner.app and choose 'Audiogram maker':
You can search for a published podcast, but it is probably easier to upload an mp3 file. It's easiest to upload the fragment you want to use in the trailer, although you can also upload an entire episode and crop out the part that you want.
After selecting your clip:
- Make sure you select the entire fragment (or just the part that you want)
- If you want to add automatically generated captions, select this option (and select the right language).
- Click 'next'
A 'square' aspect ration works best for most social media.
Then, you can add elements such as a background image, a wave form, a progress bar, etc. Note: if you opted to include automatically generated captions, you can edit these in the next step. You can also choose to use a previously created template.
If you use generated captions, please open the 'advanced editor' to correct the copy first.
Vervolgens kun je de kopij van het transcript bewerken. Tip: is al je kopij terechtgekomen in ÊÊn groot tekstveld? In dat geval moet je eerst de vormgeving van het tekstveld instellen (zie pijl). Zodra je hebt aangegeven hoe groot het tekstveld is, weet Headliner hoeveel tekst er tegelijk in beeld past, en wordt de kopij opgeknipt in stukjes en op de juiste momenten in beeld gebracht.
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